HUM-ANI gestation
After 17 trials to different sponsors during the past 10 years, HUM ANI project was attempted to be sponsored for the last chance in 2019. The project was sent at the airport of Montpellier on my way to Zimbabwe for developing pilot projects on the HUM ANI topics. Thanks to 3 G network the project was sent on time and …
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Pathogens detection
15 février 2022
Non classé
Pathogens detection in non invasive substrates : our road was filled with challenges. A long long road to find the best recipes to detect antibodies and viruses in not cooperative substrates like feces or saliva: lot of challenges inhibitors, phenolic compound, rnase, host ADN and a lot of other micro-organisms ( bacteria, viruses etc) But where are our pathogens of …
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15 février 2022
Non classé
Wild Host dIverSity: How to Estimate and detect pathogenS – 2 WHISHES pilot project of HUM ANI project / back in the field. The story restarts 10 years after the beginning of my PhD (Eve Miguel PI of the HUM ANI project). The time to get a permanent job and the funds to come back in Zimbabwe to answer to …
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The roots of HumAni
15 février 2022
Non classé
HUMANI Contacts among wildlife, livestock & human in Africa and Infectious Risk How Climate change and biodiversity erosion modify interactions among wildlife, livestock and human in hot spot of biodiversity in Africa? Which are the consequences for infectious diseases? Study at the interface between communal and protected areas in Zimbabwe Ecology, Epidemiology, Conservation, Sustainable Science. 01/09/2020 – 01/09/2025 – ZIMBABWE …
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